Laudato Si’ Week is an eight-day campaign held annually in May to mark the anniversary of Pope Francis’ landmark encyclical Laudato Si’ - On Care of our Common Home, published in 2015. That document is official Church teaching. Since then he has published a follow up “exhortation” entitled Laudate Deum again directed to “all people of good will” on the climate crisis.
This year 2024 Laudato Si’ Week is May 19 – 26. The Vatican website exhorts: “Let us be the seeds of hope in our lives and in our world, rooted in faith and love….This Laudato Si’ Week and Pentecost let us gather in community to contemplate and nurture the seeds of hope for our “suffering planet” (LD2).
The World Meteorological Organization has released its report on the record levels of heat reached with 2023 being the hottest year on record. These disturbing facts, in collaboration with Laudate Deum are a reminder about the urgency of the Laudato Si’ message and the need for both personal and cultural transformation (“ecological conversion”) amidst our ecological and climate crises.
Written by Rick Dalmau
Resources and ideas for Parishes and Communities for Laudato Si’ Week 2024 here.